Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. ~ Romans 13:7

From the very beginnings of this great country, countless men and women have fought and died for the freedoms that we enjoy every day. Today, whether you support the wars fought previously, the wars being fought today, or the policies that require us to have troops stationed around the world, today is a day we set aside our partisan ideas and recognize those who have sacrificed for us.

     And while many of us may have the day off spending time this Memorial Day with our friends and neighbors, let us remember that some families are spending this holiday with someone missing, someone they gave on the altar of freedom, a brother who will never walk again recovering in a hospital, a father who gave his life defending his country in a foreign land, men and women who did all they could to see the mission through.

    Others have a son or daughter still serving overseas, fighting a war in Afghanistan, patrolling the seas, serving duty at the Korean Peninsula or guarding a southern border.  There are hundreds of others at bases all around the world representing America's interests. Let us remember those who have fallen on the battlefields, and those who still serve.

   As you enjoy this holiday, don't forget the reason behind it. Today we salute our comrades and loved ones who have fought in the military. Not only remembering their sacrifice, but honoring them for their courage and service. 

   Their sacrificial service didn't just happen. It came from the Biblical principles upon which this great country was founded. They valued them and stood for them with courage. May we follow in their example. If we mirror their values and their courage, our nation can change if we too will stand with courage for the things we know to be true.
Happy Memorial Day!


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